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This is the one hundred and first in a series of special Jazz on the Tube reviews of live stream performances.

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Salieu Suso is a master of the 21-stringed kora which he has played from the age of eight.

Born in Gambia, West Africa to a musical family that includes the originator of the kora (JaliMady Wulayn Suso), Salieu was trained on the kora by his father.

Salieu Suso settled in the U.S. in 1989 after touring Africa and Europe, becoming a leader in America’s African music scene.

On his LiveStream from May 8, 2020 Suso sings along with his virtuoso playing on the kora during a hypnotic piece that may remind some of early country blues

Even though most of his singing is in a different language, the music of Salieu Suso succeeds at being effectively mesmerizing.

– Scott Yanow

Archived streams

May 9, 2020 – Salieu Suso

April 21, 2021

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