Jazz on the Tube returns to New Orleans

New Orleans poet Chuck Perkins and Jazz on the Tube’s Ken McCarthy

After the 2005 levee collapses (don’t call it “Katrina”), Jazz on the Tube’s Ken McCarthy started visiting New Orleans.

After a few week-long visits here and there, he started spending nearly half of every year there, arriving in December and leaving after Jazzfest.

One of his projects was advising levees.org, a relationship that continues to this day.

He also created an online fundraising system for the New Orleans Musician Clinic that earned an average of $1 for every web site visitor and and an average of $10 for each subscriber at the point of opt-in before they were formally asked for a donation.

In the years right after the levee failures, understanding of the severity of the challenges the city faced and its need for ongoing support was limited both in the US and overseas.

To help with this situation, Ken arranged for New Orleans musicians to perform in New York and in the UK, a venture he called FoodMusicJustice.

One of the projects was a tour of England for New Orleans poet and impresario Chuck Perkins.

Chuck’s tour reached its high point with him being invited to perform at the Manchester Poetry Festival, Europe’s biggest festival devoted to poetry, and later opening for Amiri Baraka at London’s South Bank Centre, the largest single-run theater complex in the world.

Here’s Chuck’s take on “Little Liza Jane”, a standard he turned into an anthem celebrating the heroic role New Orleans jazz musician’s played in helping bring the shattered city back to life after the second biggest engineering failure in human history.

Chuck’s tribute to the New Orleans musicians – “the artistic vanguard who came back when times where hard” – starts at 5:00 

Ken goes back to New Orleans every year now, but now it’s only for a week or so at time.

At some point – maybe next year – he may organize a trip for interested Jazz on the Tube fans to meet the musicians, discover the clubs, and go deep into one of America’s greatest cultural treasures: the music scene in the great city of New Orleans.

Stay tuned…

– Lester Perkins

P.S. Chuck now has a radio show on WBOK.FM in New Orleans four days per week which can be streamed free anywhere in the world.

Interview with NC Heikin, director of “The Sound of Redemption: The Frank Morgan Story”

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NC called in from the set of “Boss” where Episode #8 was being filmed.

“The Sound of Redemption” was conceived and co-produced by novelist and jazz fan Michael Connelly

The film is openning in NYC on December 2, 2015 and in LA on December 18, 2015.

Click here for more information about “The Sound of Redemption”

Trailer for “The Sound of Redemption”

Michael Connelly talks about Frank Morgan

More Jazz Resources:

Visit JazzontheTube.com’s video archive of over 2,000 annotated class jazz videos, the largest collection on the Internet.

And don’t forget our comprehensive, up-to-date global list of jazz clubs, jazz radio stations, festivals, and jazz education programs.

Interview with Richie Gerber author of “Jazz America’s Gift: From Its Birth to George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue and Beyond”

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Jazz America's Gift From Its Birth to George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue & BeyondJazz America’s Gift: From Its Birth to George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue and Beyond

Videos that reference things Ken and Richie discussed

Gershwin plays “I’ve Got Rhythm” – live

Gershwin plays “I’ve Got Rhythm” variations for piano and orchestra (1934)

Gershwin plays Gershwin: “Sweet and Lowdown” (piano roll)

“Rhapsody in Blue”: Leonard Bernstein, New York Philharmonic (1976)

Jazz Opera: “Blue Monday” r(enamed “135th Street)

“Porgy and Bess” – The Berlin Philharmonic

“Porgy and Bess” – Miles Davis and Gil Evans (1958)

The origin of the word “jazz” – It’s Gaelic!

The surprising and most comprehensive study of the word’s origin

More Jazz Resources:

Visit JazzontheTube.com’s video archive of over 2,000 annotated class jazz videos, the largest collection on the Internet.

And don’t forget our comprehensive, up-to-date global list of jazz clubs, jazz radio stations, festivals, and jazz education programs.

Interview with Professor Douglas Henry Daniels “Lester Leaps In”, Jazz in Asia, and more

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Professor Douglas Henry Daniels (Emeritus) of the University of California at Santa Barbara is author of the following books:

One O’Clock Jump: The Unforgettable Story of the Oklahoma City Blue Devils (2007)

Lester Leaps In: The Life and Times of Lester “Pres” Young (2002)

Pioneer Urbanites: A Social and Cultural History of Black San Francisco (1991)

More Jazz Resources:

Visit JazzontheTube.com’s video archive of over 2,000 annotated class jazz videos, the largest collection on the Internet.

And don’t forget our comprehensive, up-to-date global list of jazz clubs, jazz radio stations, festivals, and jazz education programs.

Interview with Philip Arneill of TokyoJazzJoints.com
Documenting Japan’s Jazz Shrines

For more Jazz on the Tube podcasts click here


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For more information:

Tokyo Jazz Joints: http://tokyojazzjoints.com

Tokyo Jazz Directory by Mr. OK Jazz: http://tokyojazzsite.com

Philip Arneill/Photography: http://philiparneill.com

Team Love Raven-House Gallery: http://www.tl-rh.com/current-exhibit-2/
(Call gallery for specific summer hours)

UK Jazz Dance aka Bebop Dancing



More Jazz Resources:

Visit JazzontheTube.com’s video archive of over 2,000 annotated class jazz videos, the largest collection on the Internet.

And don’t forget our comprehensive, up-to-date global list of jazz clubs, jazz radio stations, festivals, and jazz education programs.

Ned Sublette: “Music is a text”

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Ned Sublette – guitarist, composer, author, music scholar, and long-time producer at AfroPop Worldwide

Ned talked with Jazz on the Tube about his recent trip to Cuba (his 26th) and his latest project: putting his soon-to-be-released book The American Slave Coast to music with saxophonist supreme Donald Harrison.

Let’s all help by pre-ordering the book:

You can pre-order from your local independent bookstore now

Or from one of the big online book outlets:

Pre-order at: Amazon

Pre-order at: Barnes and Noble

More Jazz Resources:

Visit JazzontheTube.com’s video archive of over 2,000 annotated class jazz videos, the largest collection on the Internet.

And don’t forget our comprehensive, up-to-date global list of jazz clubs, jazz radio stations, festivals, and jazz education programs.


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