Bill Crow: “From Birdland to Broadway”

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Bill Crow – Veteran bassist Bill Crow talks with Jazz on the Tube talks about his musical life, literally from Birdland to Broadway and his two books, Jazz Anecdotes: Second Time Around and From Birdland to Broadway, both published by Oxford University Press.

For more info about Bill Crow’s books click here: Bill’s books

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Interview with Henry Holloway

For more Jazz on the Tube podcasts click here

“Swing, Sing and All That Jazz” – 40+ years of extraordinary jazz broadcasting


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Henry Holloway’s Musical Memoir: Get info about it here

Now we have full episodes of Henry’s shows online for free streaming.

More jazz resources here:

Visit’s video archive of over 2,000 annotated class jazz videos, the largest collection on the Internet.

If you’re a fan of swing music, check out our video collection.

And don’t forget our comprehensive, up-to-date global list of jazz clubs, jazz radio stations, festivals, and jazz education programs.

Interview with John Swenson author of “New Atlantis”

For more Jazz on the Tube podcasts click here


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Glen David Andrews speaking at the Silence Is Violence Rally

Dinneral Shavers (snare drum, yellow shirt) 
Annual Big Nine Parade – December 2006
One week before he was murdered

Helen Hill Funeral Parade

 Glen David Andrews and friends

Treme Brass Band plays a jazz funeral for the original Spotted Cat

The truth about “Katrina” Written by Jazz on the Tube’s Ken McCarthy for

More about Ken’s work with here

More Jazz Resources:

Visit’s video archive of over 2,000 annotated class jazz videos, the largest collection on the Internet.

And don’t forget our comprehensive, up-to-date global list of jazz clubs, jazz radio stations, festivals, and jazz education programs.

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