FoodMusicJustice Archive

About The FoodMusicJustice Project


In the dark years after the failure of the US Army Corps of Engineers levees (don’t call it Katrina), Jazz on the Tube produced a few hundred short articles in support of New Orleans. We also shot a lot of original video.

Unfortunately, hackers destroyed most of this site while we were focused on other matters and much of this priceless archival work was lost.

We’re in the process of trying to reconstruct it, a laborious and expensive process.

What we have been able to salvage so far were notes about our “Manchester Loves New Orleans” Project. The goal was to stimulate musical and artistic exchanges between the UK’s hippest music city and New Orleans.

The two cities have strong historical connections. If you throw Liverpool into the mix, the case can be made that modern pop music was invented by a collaboration between these two places.

– Ken McCarthy

And move London while you’re at it

I’ve been working on a script for a new video call “Exposing the Katrina Myth.” So many myths, so little time… Seriously though, it only boils down to five big ones. One of them is that New Orleans is somehow in the “wrong” place and should be “moved.” Only in George...

Defending New Orleans culture

This is the second in a series of “finished” video pieces. The first was about the birth of a new parade, the St. Claude Easter Parade sponsored by the Goodchildren Carnival Club. This one features...

Justice for New Orleans?

Incompetence and fraud on the part of the US Army Corps of Engineers and its contractors are the reason for 95% of the damage to New Orleans after Katrina. So far the Corps has evaded any financial liability because of a legislative loophole that exempts them from any...

Easter Parade New Orleans

A lot of things jumped out at me at the alternative arts show in New Orleans earlier this year, but one thing that really grabbed me was a booth by the Goodchildren Carnival Club. “We’re starting a new parade (really?) and it’s going to go along St. Claude on Easter...

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