Chelle’s Juke Joint

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This is the two hundred twenty-third in a series of special Jazz on the Tube reviews of live stream performances.

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A hot five-voice a cappella group, Chelle’s Juke Joint is led by Michelle Jacques and also features Rhonda Crane, Jay Lamont, Tammi Brown and Bryan Dyer.

The New Orleans-style ensemble covers a lot of ground during their Feb. 04, 2021 LiveStream including a scat-filled “Diga Diga Doo,” some early rock & roll, a cooking swing/blues, romantic ballads, and lots of good-time music; all five singers make strong contributions to the spirited music.

-Scott Yanow

Archived streams

February 04, 2021

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A little bit of Django

From the book “Swing Under the Nazis” by Mike Zwerin.

In the middle of an interview, Miles Davis looked at the camera and said: “I’m no accident.”

I think that’s true of everyone who has achieved something great in music.

A little about the early years of Django Reinhardt. His achievements were no accident either.

– Ken McCarthy
Jazz on the Tube

P.S. Our unique programming is made possible by help from people like you. Learn how you can contribute to our efforts here: Support Jazz on the Tube

Mark McLean

Direct pay Soapbox Gallery right here.

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You can follow Mark McLean here.

Archived Streams

January 28, 2021

You can direct pay Soapbox Gallery here.

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You can follow Mark McLean here.

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