Go to Cuba with Jazz on the Tube

Why you need this guide…and why it is different from all others…

Cuba is a marvelous place and if you love music and can manage a trip there, you simply must go.

Smaller than Florida and with less people than Ohio, it is – pound for pound – the most creative musical garden on earth.

Congas, timbales, bongos were all invented n Cuba.

Habanera, danzon, changüí, son, rumba, mambo, cha-cha-cha, salsa, and timba were all developed in Cuba.

Also Cuban musicians and Cuban-influenced musicians have made major contributions to the development of jazz and the island produces great jazzmen and women to this day.

There’s no shortage of guidebooks or websites about Cuba…

But there is a massive shortage of practical, common sense information about how to travel to and from and around the country comfortably and affordably.

Cuba is wonderful.

It’s also a materially poor country…in Latin America…in the Caribbean…that is Spanish speaking…has shortages of everything…is run as a planned economy…and has been the object of an aggressive multi-decade economic blockade from the United States.

These realities can create some challenges for travelers from developed countries.

If you have no experience with these kinds of conditions, Cuba can be a huge challenge – but it needn’t be if you get good advice and straight talk from someone who is not in the glossy travel brochure business.

I’m not in the glossy travel brochure business. I’m an experienced low budget, high quality traveler who has been all over Latin America and knows Cuba well.

I want you to go to Cuba, but I also want you to cover your downside, have the best possible time and do it without breaking the bank.

Learn how to travel in Cuba for $100 a day – and have a much better experience than “newbies” who pay $400+ a day.

Every common money-wasting, time-blasting, aggravating “problem” newbie visitors have in Cuba – and there are a lot of them – is predictable and easily preventable.

These problems fall into two general categories: hassles (wasted time and unnecessary frustrations) and expense (spending more than you need to and/or getting poor value for your money.)

If you ask the average traveler to Cuba about cost, they’ll tell you it’s an expensive place to visit.

It is – if you don’t know what you’re doing.

If you do know what you’re doing, it’s one of the most affordable vacations you can imagine.

High quality food and lodging (the main costs for travelers) at great prices – if you know where to look.

Unfortunately, lackluster food and substandard accommodations at sky high prices are also available – and that’s what most visitors get.

For example:

What’s better? A $250 a night room at a famous hotel. Or a $40 a night room at a private guest house?

I’ve done both – and the guest house experience was not only a lot less expensive it was exponentially more pleasant and convenient.

In this special guide, I go into every single practical detail of travel of Cuba:

  • How to get a Cuban visa (you’ve got to have one to enter the country)
  • The best airlines to take and why (and which ones to avoid like the plague)
  • How to get from the airport to downtown Havana
  • Why Havana is the best bet for the first time visitor to the country
  • The single biggest vacation-ruining mistake first time visitors make when going to Cuba
  • How to avoid the automatic 10% “tax” you have to pay when you convert US dollars to Cuban currency
  • The two kinds of Cuba currency and how to save a boatload by understanding the difference (It will also help you avoid getting ripped off.)
  • Why packing for Cuba is different from packing for a trip to almost any other place on earth
  • Simple ways to greatly improve your odds of staying healthy while on the road
  • Dealing with Cuban Customs at the airport
  • Why you need to get a map before you go and which ones I recommend
  • The best, most convenient, most affordable and most pleasant neighborhood in Havana. (It’s in most guidebooks, but no one explains why this is the best place to make your base)
  • An overhyped neighborhood not worth the trip
  • Why big hotels are often a very bad bet in Havana and the much better alternative that will save 75% or more.
  • The three best neighborhoods to explore and hang out in
  • My personal short list of “can’t miss” music venues and the tricks of the trade you need to know to get the most enjoyment from them
  • Dealing with taxis – and a simple way to save a fortune on taxi trips
  • The reality of shopping in Cuba – what you absolutely must know before you go
  • How to eat well and save a fortune on food
  • My short list of tasty, reliable places to eat at every price point neighborhood by neighborhood
  • My personal phone number…buyers of this report can call me before they travel to Cuba and get 15 minutes of free conversation to answer any questions they might have

My estimate is that this guide will not only save you from untold hassles and aggravations, it will also save you a minimum of $100 a day while you’re in Cuba. (The reality is it will probably save you a lot more.)

And whether you’re a millionaire or someone who has to budget carefully, you will have a BETTER experience with this guide than without it.

The guide is not cheap.

It took me 30 days of in-country research and over $10,000 of expensive trial and error to gather this information.

Mass-market guidebooks don’t seem to want to get into these details and it’s darn hard, even for knowledgeable Cuban friends, to think of all these things to tell you before you learn them the hard way.

100% of all the profits from the sale of this guide after printing and shipping will be used to support the Jazz on the Tube Education Project for Musicians in Cuba.


It’s short, compact and to-the-point.

It contains all the things you must know if you’re going to Cuba as an independent traveler without any of the fluff.

The Guide is only available in print form and will never be made available electronically.

It’s only available from this website and you won’t find it on Amazon or from any other source.

Happy travels,

Ken McCarthy

Jazz on the Tube

P.S. Your purchase helps us support jazz education in Cuba for young people.

Shipping is only to the US


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