About three years ago, I started teaching myself piano with the help of YouTube and it’s been a great experience.

The secret.

Don’t be intimidated, don’t be discouraged, and don’t be greedy.

Just show up every day and BATHE in the pleasure of the new sounds you are discovering – and remember to breathe.

I can tell you two more things:

It’s not rocket science and it *is* rocket science.

It’s rocket science in the hands of people like Thelonious Monk.

Speaking of hands, here is one of the best videos ever showing the HANDS of a master pianist at work.

Don’t try this at home.

Monk is not using  “good technique.”

He’s using a genius technique of his own creation and it’s a wonder to behold as well as hear.

– Ken McCarthy
Jazz on the Tube


It is rocket science - The Bud Powell version
Honoring giants who passed in 2022