April 01, 2020 (a year ago)

April 14, 2021

$26,440.60 of Jazz on the Tube subscription fees redirected to musicians since March 17, 2020

Organizations that have received cash grants of $5,000 or more

• Erol Josué. Cultural, community and spiritual leader (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)

Organizations that have received cash grants of $2,500 or more

• Jazz Educators Network (JazzNet.org)

Organizations that have received cash grants of $1,000 or more

• Basin Street Records (New Orleans)
• Escuela Nacional de Música (music education for Cuban youth)
• KoSA’s Cuban Rhythm Summit (Kosamusic.com)
• Bronx Music Heritage Society (Bronx, NY)
• The Roots of Music (music education for New Orleans children)
• Treme Artists Collective (New Orleans)
• Andro de Canta Project (Matanzas, Cuba)
• The Falcon (Marlboro, NY)

Organizations that have received cash grants of $500 or more

• Music on the Inside (New York City)
• Louisiana Music Factory (New Orleans)
• Temple Narivéh (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)

Directory of live-streaming musicians

Click here for the directory

Live-streaming resources for teachers, performers and producers

This page started out as an educational, inspirational, how to, “you can do it” resource.

We’ve moved things around and all those resources are here.

Two big ways fans can help:

1. Please spread the word. The unglamorous reality is that musicians only get paid when they work and it’s a tough business in the best of times. At the moment 100% of their gigs are cancelled. There’s no unemployment insurance or health benefits for the vast majority of working musicians.

2. This most generous, uncomplaining, and positive part of our society needs our help and encouragement now. Under normal circumstances,  they’re always at the front of the line when it comes to contributing their services to help others in need.

If you’re lucky enough to be standing on solid ground, open up your wallets and treat these livestreams like front row concert tickets and pay the musicians accordingly.

PLEASE SHARE THIS PAGE WIDELY. We’re the only organized and annotated source of jazz live-streaming info available anywhere right now

An offer to working jazz musicians

Tell us about your live streaming shows and we will list them here for free: Click here for directions. 

Live-stream Calendar

Click here for calendar live-stream performances


Cheers to Jon Cleary being so early out of the gate and showing the way (March 17, 2020)

Click here: Jon Cleary – New Orleans

Cheers to Glen David Andrews and his “get it done now any way you can” attitude

Click here: Glen David Andrews

Mad props to the tech and production wizards helping in Seattle at Live at Vito’s

Click here: Live at Vito’s

An offer to jazz musicians

Tell us about your live streaming shows and we will list them here free

– Ken McCarthy
Jazz on the Tube

P.S. Our unique programming is made possible by help from people like you. Learn how you can contribute to our efforts here: Support Jazz on the Tube


Lafayette Harris, Jr
Sharón Clark - Live At Blue House Productions