I first heard the To Be Continued Brass Band playing on the corner of Bourbon and Canal last November. They knocked me out with their energy.

When I got home, I discovered someone was in the process of making a movie about them and their story. Separated by the storm, the movie is about their exile in various places around the country and their ultimate reuniting.

Founded by multi-instrumentalist Jason Slack (he plays tuba for the band), To Be Continued (or TBC as they’re known) is the city’s youngest brass band.

Like so many New Orleans brass bands before them, this band started in a school band class. First stop, the streets. Then when they pass that test, clubs, parties, Second Lines, and for the lucky TBC their own movie.

Here’s the trailer:

[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/2m1iKf7pvws” width=”425″ height=”350″/]

New Orleans levees
Gulf Coast Civic Works Project

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