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Le Mistral

Ernesto Zeppa


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An excellent remake of Keith Jarrett's "Le Mistral"


In 1974 on his Treasure Island album, Keith Jarrett and his group (featuring tenor-saxophonist Dewey Redman) recorded �Le Mistral.�

36 years later in Buenos Aires, Argentina, drummer Ernesto Zeppa led his sextet through a similar but fresh version of �Le Mistral.�

This video has the full performance by Zeppa, showing his musicians arriving in the recording studio, getting ready, and playing the catchy song.

The colorful camerawork (shot in black and white) adds to rather than distracts from the fine music.


Ernesto Zeppa, drums
Sebasti�n Mazzalupo, sax.
Ricardo Nol�, piano
Mart�n Porto, guitar
Juan Pablo Navarro, bass
Beto Merino, percussion

- Scott Yanow

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