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Focus - Live

Stan Getz


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Stan Getz and the Eddie Sauter Orchestra
in a previously unreleased (and filmed)
version of a selection from the classic album


In 1961, shortly after he returned to the United States after three years overseas, and shortly before he began making his famous bossa-nova recordings, Stan Getz recorded one of the highpoints of his career.

A suite called Focus was composed by Eddie Sauter for a string orchestra.

Most intriguing is that no part was written for Stan Getz who was showcased throughout the album; Sauter had him sit in with the orchestra and simply create his part as the music progressed.

The result was magical, featuring a jazz improviser at the peak of his creativity.

This film clip has Getz playing part of the suite, a valuable performance that was not included on the album.

-Scott Yanow

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