The radio show I did to mark the second anniversary of the New Orleans levee failures is online now.

WZKE is a commercial music station so I was somewhat constrained in what I was able to say, but I believe I got the message across.

Instructions for listening:

To play, click on the AUDIO MP3 icon ONCE and the player will appear and start playing. To stop, click on the icon once.

Part One – Part One: Ain’t No Place Like New Orleans

Part Two – Part Two: “St. James Infirmary”

Part Three – Part Three: The Indians are here!

Part Four – Part Four: “It’s too hot”

Part Five – Part Five: Rock and Roll Roots

Part Six – Part Six: Second Line

Part Seven – Part Seven: “How Did I Get Over?”

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The true home of the groove – New Orleans!
Dinerral Shavers’ family